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Writer's pictureDr. Tediana Torrens

How to Safely Detox and Cleanse Your Body from Environmental Toxins

Updated: Aug 14, 2024

In this modern industrial era, we are constantly exposed to a huge amount of environmental toxins, ranging from air pollution, wildfire smoke, food preservatives, household and cosmetic chemicals, mold and more.

While reducing exposure to these toxins should remain a priority, avoiding them altogether just isn't realistic! This is where supporting your body's ability to detox and cleanse becomes critical. A great way to think about detoxification is by understanding emunctories.

three mason jars filled with water, colorful fruit and straws

Understanding Emunctories

Emunctories are our organs of elimination. There are primary emunctories - gut, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin - and secondary emunctories - lymph, skin. When all is well, our primary emunctories do most of the work in processing and removing toxins from our body. When we are overburdened with toxins, or these organs aren't functioning optimally, our secondary emunctories take over. While it is great that we have a backup system in place, secondary emunctories typically don't work as efficiently.

Let's break it down:

Primary Emunctories


Here, the gut includes the stomach and intestines. Their job is breaking down, metabolizing and eliminating ingested toxins. Optimal elimination means having at least 1-2 soft and formed bowel movements daily. This ensures that toxins and waste aren't building up in the system.

Detox Methods:

  • High fiber diet: Fiber plays several roles in the health of the gut - stimulating bowel movements and feeding the microbiome. Focus on fiber from whole food sources like legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

  • Hydration: Water is the second piece of the puzzle, as fiber without water causes digestive distress. While water needs vary from person to person based on size, activity level, environment, etc. aiming for at least 80 oz daily is usually a good place to start.

  • Supplements: probiotics, magnesium oxide, fiber


The liver has many critical functions, with detoxification being a big one. Toxic chemicals are removed from circulation where they are metabolized and neutralized so they can be eliminated from the body. A healthy liver also contributes to digestion by synthesizing and secreting bile into the gut.

Detox Methods:

  • Avoid alcohol: Alcohol will increase the work your liver needs to do, and depending on the frequency and amount of intake, can damage the liver over time.

  • Nutrition: garlic, artichoke, beets and beet greens

  • Herbs: dandelion root, milk thistle, digestive bitters (gentian, wormwood, etc.)


The kidneys filter blood for toxins, ultimately excreting and eliminating toxins in the urine. Healthy urine should be pale yellow and without a strong odor.

Detox Methods:

  • Hydration: This is the big one! Having enough water ensures adequate blood flow to the kidneys, so they may then filter and remove toxins.

  • Nutrition: cranberry, celery, cilantro, parsley, berries

  • Herbs: dandelion leaf, nettle seed, ginkgo, cordyceps


Inhaled toxicants are neutralized by the immune system found in the lung mucosa, and eliminated by exhaling or by the physical movement of cilia (little hair-like projections that push waste up and out of lungs).

Detox Methods:

  • Avoidance: Exposures can be limited by avoiding toxins such as cigarette smoke, wearing a filtering mask when in areas of high air pollution or wildfire smoke, and using an air filter while inside.

  • Breathing exercises: If breathing is affected by a condition like asthma or COPD, then breathing exercises can prevent the buildup of stale air in the lungs. Breathe in through your nose, and exhale through the mouth, making the exhale at least twice as long as the inhale.

  • Nutrition: garlic, onion, ginger, watercress, horseradish


As you will see, the skin functions as both a primary and secondary emunctory. This is because there are healthy and not-so-healthy ways the skin supports detoxification.

Detox Methods:

  • Sweating: The primary toxins eliminated through sweat are heavy metals, and potentially BPA. Both exercise and sauna-use are effective, though exercise typically results in better detoxification.

Secondary Emunctories

When the primary emunctories above aren't working, our secondary emunctories step in.

Lymphatic System

Lymph flows in parallel with blood's circulatory system, supporting the filtration of toxins and supporting overall immune function.

Detox Methods:

  • Dry Brushing: Short brush strokes toward the heart encourage healthy flow and movement of blood and lymph to improve filtration and detoxification.

  • Lymph Massage: This is a specific type of massage that supports the pulsing and flow of lymph tissue.

  • Hydration: More fluid means better circulation and better filtration.

  • Exercise: Contractions of muscles encourages lymph flow.


Unhealthy detoxification through the skin usually manifests as skin conditions like eczema and acne. Supporting all of the primary emunctories helps to reduce the risk of these manifestations.

Practical Tips for Supporting Detoxification

If you need a more succinct plan for supporting your bodies detox pathways, start here:

  1. Anti-inflammatory Diet

    1. Primarily whole-foods: vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds

    2. Emphasis on a diversity of colorful fruits and vegetables

    3. Healthy fats such as wild-caught salmon, anchovies, sardines, olives, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds

    4. Some lean meats like chicken or turkey

    5. Minimal red meats, fatty meats, cured and processed meats, processed foods, refined carbs (white bread, pasta, etc.)

  2. Adequate Hydration

  3. Regular Movement

  4. Reducing Exposures


There are so many options out there, from strict dietary cleanses to supplement or herbal based cleanses. While this can sometimes be helpful, these type of rigourous cleanses are often not needed. Supporting emunctories and everyday detoxification methods eliminate the need for intensive, expensive and often stressful cleanses.

While these are some safe and effective ways to support detoxification, it is important to remember that we are all unique individuals, and as such require individualized care! Please always consult with a licensed professional for personalized advice, especially as it pertains to supplements and herbs.


What detoxification methods do you use to keep yourself healthy? Drop your tips in the comments!



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